Become a Sponsor...

To sponsor a child

It costs from €70 EUR to sponsor a child for a full school year from Kindergarten to 6th Grade respectively at Ngayen Sanjal Lower Basic School.

After this the child transfers to Ngayen Sanjal Upper Basic School from 7th to 9th Grade where it costs €110 EUR for a full school year. This amout stays the same when the child promotes to Ngayen Sanjal Senior Secondary School.


£60 GBP / £95 GBP for a full academic year

$75 USD / $120 USD for a full academic year

Payment deadline is April 1st each year.

To sponsor the school

It costs €35 EUR annually as a sponsor to the school in Ngayen Sanjal. All these contributions go together for the benefit of an annual project in relation to the school's needs and wishes for the year in question. It will be possible to follow the project in question via, among other things, the website and we will send out newsletters annually in which we will give an overview of the project's development and how it has subsequently progressed so that the sponsors can follow along.

£30 GBP for a full academic year.

$40 USD for a full academic year.

Payment deadline is June 1st each year.

To give a donation

If you have heard or seen a little about Ngayen School Fund's work, but do not want or have the opportunity to commit to one of the two sponsorship options, but still want to support our work, it is always possible to make an optional donation in favor of one of our projects. These will equally be received with great gratitude and will also be appreciated both by us and by the school, as these will also contribute to the school's progress.


Single donations can be made at any time.

How to donate...

Our account at Nordea Bank:

Reg. Nr.: 2450

Konto nr.: 7563380866


IBAN: DK13 2000 7563 3808 66


Children currently waiting to have sponsors...

Khoja Secka

Born: March 12, 2014

Grade: 3

Isatou and Fanna Secka

Born April 5th 2013

Grade: 4 (23/24)

Isatou and Fanna are twins. Preferably we would like for them to be sponsored together. In that case it cost €140 EUR for a full academic year.

Muhammad Ceesay

Born: March 28, 2013

Grade: 3

Kumba Ceesay

Born: September 9, 2010

Grade: 6

Fatoumata Ceesay

Born: September 11, 2007

Grade: 9



NS246 Modou Gaye


Grade: 6

NS242 Tairou Boye


Grade: 7